We are from Naval Base Primary School, 6.1 of 2008.
Think you can handle us? Think again. (:
We are a bunch of friendly fellows!
This is our blog, and we ROCK.
stand up and cheer
cause its sixone`08.
profile journal tagboard affiliates Yes, we know we rock.
It's just whether you believe it or not.
Hello there! We are from Naval Base Primary School, 6.1 of 2008. Think you can handle us? Think again. (: We are a bunch of friendly fellows! This is our blog, and we ROCK. biography
we, the awesome
Thursday, November 5, 2009/12:14 AM
Sup. Vanessa here. I know, I know. It's shocking for a person like me to be posting on our class blog but hey, I am a student from the 6.1 of Naval Base Primary in year 2008, aren't I? Pfft. Anyway, Shana and I have decided to plan a class outing. I seriously hope this won't be an epic failure. So, anyway, for those students who are still lingering on this blog, please well, suggest some ideas for the outing. I feel that it's better to get the opinions first and then, start the voting because, that's fair, right? Um, so, yeah, suggest some ideas and those who don't want the outing, leave your name on the tagboard and indicate so. Seriously, I don't want obnoxious people to leave down their stupid validations because they feel important and start criticising others' ideas. Please be respectful (though respect is almost never found in this society nowadays). So, yeah. Bye. P/s: If you find any content of this post offending, I apologise deeply. Nah, just kidding. Bye. Seriously, bye. Oh and on the side-note: Not really expecting this to work but please try. Kthxbai. affiliates
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the awesome past
our awesome blabbers